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Job Opportunities

    ZJNU is committed to creating a diverse community by engaging outstanding international faculties and researchers.


    If you are a candidate applying for a teaching post, please contact International Office.

    Email: international@zjnu.edu.cn.


    If you are a candidate applying for a postdoctoral research position, please contact Postdoctoral Researcher Administration Office.

    Email: zjsdbhgb@zjnu.edu.cn.

Job Opportunities

    ZJNU is committed to creating a diverse community by engaging outstanding international faculties and researchers.


    If you are a candidate applying for a teaching post, please contact International Office.

    Email: international@zjnu.edu.cn.


    If you are a candidate applying for a postdoctoral research position, please contact Postdoctoral Researcher Administration Office.

    Email: zjsdbhgb@zjnu.edu.cn.
